How Successful People Stay Calm

Hi Leaders,  Stress is one of those things we’ve all gotten used to. It’s become a normal part of living, especially for the leader who lives under a myriad of very high self-standards.   Yet we may not be aware when our normal

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Are your emails hurting your reputation?

Leaders,  Send…send…send. Most days it’s a race against time, trying to send and respond to as many emails as you can, as quickly as you can.    Yet we may be underestimating the silent perception impact we are incurring by being less than

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Getting Comfortable with Feeling Uncomfortable

Leaders,    We all go through uncomfortable times in life (that is, if we’re really in the game of life and not cushing on the sidelines). Sometimes it can be caused by success stretch marks, as we are pushed into discomfort in new and greater ways

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Those We Serve Grow

 As you begin this new week, in a year that already seems to be flying by, take a moment to reflect on whether you’re serving others regularly. Or do you expect them to serve themselves (and you)?  

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This 1 Habit Could Wreck Your Rep & Your Results

Ever catch yourself in a continuous loop of repetitive thinking? Do you fall into mental ruts of rumination over the same things and find it difficult to shake it off and move on? If you’ve struggled with sweating the details, obsessing over

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