See the Person, Not Just the Work

For the individual employee, performance review time is a rich opportunity to gain fresh intel on how your career is going. To hear the behind the scenes observations and opinions your leaders and other stakeholders have about you is invaluable. For the

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Being Inspiring Depends on This

Much is made these days about inspirational leadership. The ability to tap into another’s inner fire and stoke it into performance greatness, all without lifting a finger to force or coerce

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Go find your people

Many leaders think they know where their people are, based on where they are physically and where they are in their projects. But if you don’t know where your people are in their mind, in that hidden place of thinking and feeling,

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How deep will your impact be?

Our culture prioritizes qualities like intelligence, expertise, advanced education, and a track record of illustrious accomplishments as being highly desirable differentiators that will put us on the map.

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Safeguard this Critical Asset

We all want to have the kind of impact that catalyzes meaningful, bar-raising results. In order to have impact we first need to possess influence. And in order to gain influence we must first have the respect of others

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Leaders Finish Strong

We put great emphasis on strategic planning, executional deployment, and ensuring we nail our numbers. What we tend to forget is the equal importance of deliberately finishing strong.

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Settling for Comfortable

One of the most insidious things ailing our world right now, and jeopardizing our future generations, is the squandering of human potential. With the growing trend of pleasure-based and convenience-obsessed living, we are falsely entraining ourselves to see comfort

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The He(art) of Dialogue

As the author of the article below aptly put it: The heart of dialogue is listening. We all know that listening is immensely harder to do well than it seems. Have you noticed that true dialogue is also in scarcity these days?

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You Are Being Judged

We all know that first impressions are made quickly. Actually, studies show that in as fast as 1/10th of a second people are making perception decisions about you that tend to remain, even over more extended time. In today’s high court of

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Balancing on The Tightrope of Success

Every strength imaginable can become a weakness if not counter-balanced properly. If you have a knack for brutally honest dialogue, it might accomplish clarity and save you time beating around the bush. But you could also do unwanted, trust busting damage when

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Curiosity Killed the Conflict

Disagreements are a dime a dozen. Productive resolutions – or shall I say, resolutioners – to engineer the creative solves to those disagreements, however, are harder to come by. Yet, as leaders, we lean all the way into the hard things that

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Cross-Silo Leadership

Synergizing with other silos is tough business…but it’s necessary business. Here’s the data: Harvard researchers have uncovered that customer loyalty and higher margins are both facilitated by a collaborative team willing to cross departmental borders. Whereas silo-stuck companies tend to profit less

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You Are Not Your Work

Life is a collection of shifts, transitions, and seasons. Changes that come and ebb and flow are normal, healthy, and necessary for our personal evolution. But some shifts and changes, particularly in excessive workload and heightened demands that don’t let up, can

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